Kingsley’s Biography

A brief history of my family of origin, where and how I grew up, my mother, father and siblings.

My father and mother are from Delta State, Nigeria. We are Nigerians. My father’s name is Richard and my mother’s name is Anna. Father was a lorry driver and mother worked in a petrol station as an attendant. My father is dead. I have two eldest siblings: a boy and a girl (Maureen and Bright). My name is Kingsley. I am the last child of my parents. My parents and siblings are loving, supportive and benign.

Where I was was born and where I have lived?

I was born in Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria. I have been living in Nigeria since I was born.

The most important things I learned during my childhood and earlier years that helped me later in life?

The first thing I learned in my childhood is self-reliance. My mother always taught me to be strong and independent. Though on my own I have self-reliant spirit; but her words helped to ingrain it in my subconscious mind. I can remember when I was in high school; during the holiday I took up a petty job so that I can make money for myself. Even if I am the last child; it does not make me feel lazy and dependent. Self-reliance and industriousness are things that have become part of my essence and hallmark. Unflinchingly, these life skills have helped me to become a better person—inculcating the spirit of responsibility into me. When I was in college, I worked part time to support myself too.

Kingsley and his Mom

My challenges and lessons gained from these challenges?

The only challenges I had was delays in living my dreams. I planned to launch into my limelight at 22 or 23; but it did not happen that way. I began pursuing my writing career at 18. From high school I was writing stories and poems. I have always been the boy with the gut and wannabe; but the resistance, twist and turns and hurdles kept me waiting.

What I gained as a lesson from these challenges were that we are here on earth to learn, grow, heal, share our gifts and ultimately transcend into Higher Realms. Those resistances helped me in knowing where I am coming from; working on myself and it really opened my eyes to get a better understanding about life! And yes, I learnt Divine Timing. As Sarah Prout so eloquently puts it “manifestations unfold in perfect Divine timing. Everything is in God’s clock.”

 Practices I have implemented into my life, which are difficult that have built credibility with myself and improved myself self-esteem?

 The practice of self-love and superiority complex are things I don’t joke with! They are an INTEGRAL part of me! I have a tough mind. No, you cannot tame me because I AM POSITIVELY REBELLIOUS, untrammeled, quirky and maverick. Yes, I have been implementing these practices and maintaining them. What I tell folks is “we teach people how to treat us.” This is not an easy thing to do. Because it will make you look like a black sheep. But I can guarantee you that when you manifest these energies; you become charismatic—people will respect you and that is when you know that you are WORTHY. No ONE is better than YOU. We are all unique. For example, right from my childhood to date; I intuitively have this attitude of high self-esteem. I DO NOT belittle myself, people-please or grovel at all. Even if I did not come from an affluent family; I do not let that make me feel inferior or unfortunate at all.

I also practice gratitude. At first, it did not make sense to me. It was not easy in the beginning; but I later learnt that a grateful mind is a magnet for miracles. To quote Kathryn Speakes Large in The Power of Gratitude; “Gratitude is a powerful expression of emotion that set the Universe into action at the highest frequency of love. Focusing on that which one is grateful for initiates the release and flow of receipt of your highest good in miraculous way.” I think I agree with that. That is why no matter what is showing up in my reality; I always give thanks to the Universe because It is all-knowing.

My favorite place and why

I love being in the company of masterminds, friends, and mentors.  I really love the mojo and camaraderie of likeminded people. I would not trade it for anything!  You are who you associate with! On the other hand, the favorite place I love to be is the river! My mom always told me that when I was a child, I was fond of water. That no matter the amount of water she bathed me with; I would go back to the bathing tub; poking fun and splashing myself with water. I dismissed it as a cliché; but as I began to grow up—I began to have this “pull” for the water world. Think of it, there is absolutely nothing you can do without water! In the Lakota way of prayer; “mni wiconi” they said (meaning water is life)—and that’s true! Guess what, I am writing a book about Mermaid. I think I carry that energy (if you say I am a Merman; then you are right!)

I love the Water World!

My educational background

I have a College degree in Political Science/Social Studies. I have also taught in private schools

How I Self-soothe

Before I answer this, let me say that when you are able to guide your energy you become a very powerful “manifestor” (allow me the liberty to use that word! Lols!!). When I find myself in a lower vibrational state; I employ -mindfulness. Mindfulness is an art I am becoming more aligned with. It certainly will not make you perfect; but it can create harmony, balance, soundness of mind, peace and amp up your mojo and camaraderie—ultimately making you wiser and a good person—giving you a good life. Honestly, I am not limited to mindfulness only.

Most times, I go for a healing bath in the river. And that raises my vibration. For example, I found myself in a cranky mood sometime ago; I took a walk to the river. After my healing bathe in the river; I felt refreshed and I found myself back in higher vibrations! I can say every moment of my life. The fact is that the Universe is always working for us. Sometimes, something might be seeming wrong—and yet it is getting better. I can refer to my college days; because despite the difficulties and challenges I had; I was able to graduate successfully. Plus, I am making a comeback to my writing career; because I have picked up my pen and started writing again. I have been on an “involuntary hiatus.” Yes, the Universe ALWAYS has my back!

Long-lasting, sustainable contribution I would like to make

I love to see mankind raise their consciousness because a mind stretched by new knowledge can never go back to its prior form. It is my heartfelt desire to see people step into the fire of self-discovery and sprout the life they love. “As Mooji so eloquently puts it, “step into the fire of self-discovery, this fire will not burn you. It will only burn what you are not.”  And this I am doing by my writing—though my books are unpublished. In addition to this, I also love to follow the example of what Mother Theresa has done and achieved.

My Core Beliefs

One of my core beliefs is that I AM POSSIBLE! I also have this core belief that life is a game of boomerangs. It is my principle to be doing unto others what I love to be done to me. I used to have the belief that for you to become successful in life you must come from an affluent family. And again, I used to think that it is not possible for you to have your desires effortlessly or in a platter of gold! I used to have this belief that you must struggle or suffer before you can manifest your dreams. Unknowingly; this belief was creating some energetic resistance for me. Eventually, I realized that our beliefs create our reality because life follows our thoughts and beliefs. And what is a belief? A belief is an idea in your mind! Thoughts becomes things—everything around came into reality as a result of “thought.” But as I began to have my spiritual awakening and personal development; I realized that these beliefs were very wrong belief! And I changed it. As the beautiful ethereal singing Irish singer (Enya) said, “only if you want to; you can have your way. Only if you want to, you can cease the day.” Dolly Parton also said it well “one is only poor only if they choose to be.” These statements were the things that propelled me to start changing my beliefs. As I progressed, I learnt a better new belief which I always harp to people “life is not about being a martyr or working your fingers to the bone. It is about being grateful, abundant and happy. The Universe can work from the place of joy and comfort.

I encourage everyone to change their thoughts. Think positive. Any thought or belief that will not create a good reality for you is not true for you and it need not be true for you and you don’t have to accept it as true.

My Favorite 3 quotes

One of my all-time favorite quote is the words of this beautiful African Diva (Brenda Fassie) “Ngumuntu gabantu.” That is a Zulu word that means “a person is a person through another person.” And that is true because NO MATTER the talent you have; someone must hold the “ladder” for you. No man is an Island! NO MATTER what you desire to achieve in this life; the Universe will give it to you using a person, a human being!

“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (Sage of Concord). This quote encourages me to be curious. And I can say that curiosity is the mother of invention. I am an Alchemist of Transformation because I seek to know and learn new things to combine with the ones I have already known. For example, you don’t cook a soup with ONLY ONE ingredient (you know what I mean)

“The most important day in your life is the day you were born and the day you know why.” Lisa Nichols. Many people are just existing and not living. It is important to know your purpose of choosing to come and play this “Earth Game.” What are you known for? What talents do you have? When you know your purpose of being on this Earth then you will know who you are!  But unfortunately; most people don’t know themselves! They follow consensus. This quote from Lisa Nichols has really spurred me to discover and tap into more of my Dharma—and yes, the Law of Dharma is the Ultimate of all Lives!

My Favourite Books

My favorite and most helpful books are: The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn, Seven Laws of Spiritual Success by Deepak Chopra, Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattle, An Awakening: Mapping Your Dream by Suzanne Hosang.

These books helped me to reprogram my mindset, inculcated more wisdom into me. But my pick among all these books is An Awakening: Mapping Your Dream by Suzanne Hosang.  The book is a Pearl and it was what helped me to heal from the “shame,” pain and break barriers that have been standing in my way.

My Mentors 

They are many but I will name the ones I can remember. And they are: Norman Vicent Peale, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Mother Theresa, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Brenda Fassie, Tony Robbins, Mooji, Debbianne DeRose, Florence Scovel Shinn, Sarah Prout, Suzanne Hosang, Napoleon Hill, Jeannette Maw, Serena Williams Phineas Quimby.

The biggest, most helpful and contributors in my life

My mother and Suzanne Hosang

My Love for Crystals!

Crystals have been an integral part of my healing tools. I use crystals to boost my energy and vibrations. Now, crystals are sentient beings which I have grown to love and respect. Tapping into these sentient stones could not have been more victorious and soothing. I tell you, crystals can dispel negative energies and entities. I can testify to that. For example, few weeks ago, I noticed that I was not in a high vibration. I reached out for my tourmaline black and clear quartz; held them in my palms. Lying down in an oneiric state; I could feel there was some negative energies looming around—and then I tapped into the power of the crystals—and then I said subliminally “negative energies, return to sender.” And I had a mental picture of what was coming but it was dispelled! And I slept. I woke up feeling refreshed, fortified and grounded. Healing is a process.

Now one fact I love to point out about crystals is this. It’s not enough to have crystals. Crystals are not slaves that you can just pick on to do your bidding. You must treat your crystals with respect, ask their permission and set your intentions. And remember to be charging them with the moonlight, sunlight, etc. there are some crystals that are compatible with water and there are some that are not. I remember one day, I was having this feelings of unworthiness, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs lingering on my mind. It was my tourmaline black that I used to clear those lower energies—holding it my palm with mindfulness and intention. Within 7 minutes, a new surge of higher vibrations and energies came into me. I was full of verve.

My beautiful collection of Crystals

The Purpose of my Life

The purpose of my life is to use my unique gifts and talents in this lifetime; and help to make great change in the world.

My Desire for Humanity

It is my heartfelt desire that All Living Beings Receive Illumination and be FREE from Suffering!

A Difference I Love To Make in the World (If presented with an opportunity)

I would seek to obliterate racism and religious intolerance. We are all from the Stars; and made in the image of God/Source/Almighty of which are Highest Vibrations all-round. Why can’t we always be reflecting and radiating the Higher Vibrations to our fellow humans?  You see, in the eyes of the Creator we are all ONE and EQUAL. For example, what Jean Cramer (the councilor from Marysville, Michigan) is not for the highest good of all and it is not in harmony with the way Universe works. We are all one. People like her need reorientation, enlightenment and yes, she needs to expand her consciousness and stretch her mind.

I would love to stop the animosity on the LGBT community and become an LGBT activist. I will begin by creating awareness for people to understand that we’re ONE and EQUAL in the eyes of the Creator. You don’t have to apologize for your sexual orientation. ACCEPT your sexual orientation, LIVE it and EXPRESS it. Life will not treat you bad for your sexual orientation. You are WORTHY. It’s only when you make a wrong choice that’s when life becomes bad. It matters not who you love or the gender you are attracted to. Any gender you form union with is YOUR OWN business! And that should be RESPECTED. What MATTERS is that you love because love is NOT linear. Love IS multidimensional. And WE ARE all God’s children; LOVED unconditionally.

I will also use my books to educate humanity. My ideal offer would be to build schools, orphanages and hospitals—have a radio program, documentary and movie for the adaptation of my books.