Black Lives Matter: What has it Mattered?

Black Lives Matter Logo: Wikipedia

I have always been interested in the Black Lives Matter issues. This research paper is a fragment of my book I am writing about the Black Lives Matter.

The word Black Lives Matter has gained a global popularity. “Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized political and social movement that seeks to highlight racism, discrimination, and racial inequality experienced by black people. Its primary concerns are incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black people. It started following the killings of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Rekia Boyd, among others. The movement and its related organizations typically advocate for various policy changes considered to be related to black liberation” (Wikipedia).

There have been many killings of Black Americans before now; but I think that of George Floyd went so viral that it sparked a global attention! When I heard the news of George Floyd death on radio and watched the video in 2020; I was traumatized for weeks. I was always pressing my neck with my hands and imagine the pain he went through when that White policeman sat on his neck. Floyd’s last words were: “I can’t breathe….mama…” During the protest of George Floyd death; I chatted with a Black American (Allen). He told me that they (the Black Americans) are like “abattoir” because they are killed any day and any time without anyone to defend them. He told me that one of his friends has moved out of USA to Botswana as he could not stand the maltreatment and killings of (Black Americans) because his life was not safe. Allen told me that he has been to Ghana and when he visited Ghana; he felt at home. The final thing Allen told me in 2020 in our chat was that he was considering moving to Ghana—that he was putting all his belongings together to return to Ghana.

George Floyd: Wikipedia

I could remember that evening my brother Bright and I were watching the news of George Floyd’s death on my laptop and we were shocked to the see the massive protests going on around USA. When my mom heard our screaming of the mammoth crowds of Black Americans who were protesting about the death of George Floyd; she came out of the kitchen and asked us what was going on. Then we told her it was the protest going on in USA about the death of George Floyd. Then she asked who George Floyd was and we told her. After watching the video, my mom asked us a question which I will never forget. “Is this protest going to stop the killing of Black Americans”? Sadly, even during the protest of George Floyd Black Americans were still killed!

During the protest of George Floyd I was on Facebook and I saw the post made by a Black American. In the post he was thanking God for being in America and thanking God for slavery. That if not he would have been in Africa suffering. After reading the post I scroll past it but my mind asked me to remind him of something. Then I commented on his post. “It does not matter if you speak in the accent of White Americans, eat like them, answers two English names, dress like them…the White policeman can pieces you with a bullet and nothing will happen. The White Americans still sees as you a Slave.” One Black American woman replied to my comment saying “Very well said. Please tell him more.” I watched a video on Instagram of a Black American woman by name Kim Daniels thanking God for slavery. In her words she said that if not for slavery she would have been in Africa “worshipping trees.” This is to show you the level of brainwashing, inferiority complex and enslaved mentality that has eaten VERY deep into the mind of Black Americans.

Black Lives Matter Protesters: Google images

My Great-Grandmother was sold out to a European slave master at the age of seven; but something happened…and the European slave master asked that she be returned to her parents (I will spare you the details). Her father (my maternal great-grandfather) told her what happened and she told my grandmother, my grandmother told my mother and I am working on the story to make it a documentary for film. You will know everything about it when I finish writing the story.

There is something the Black Americans fail to understand and refuse to acknowledge. The truth is the White Americans sees you (Black Americans) as SLAVES; it does not matter how learned you are, what your status is. Your forefathers were brought from Africa as Slaves through the ship. So it does not matter if you answering two English names. Those two English names you are answering are slave names. It is so disappointing to see that Black Americans feel “superior” to Africa just because they are in America answering two English names and speaking in the accent of White Americans. But has that helped to change their narratives? No. In the words Chante Moore, she said: “I see you in a different way. Through a different eye.” And it is the truth; the White Americans sees the Black Americans (of Slave descent) in a different way.

If I have my way to the White House, I will urge Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to SHUTDOWN the movement of Black Lives Matter movement. What has the Black Lives Matter movement achieved? What has the Black Lives Matter mattered? Has all the protests of Black Lives Matter stopped the killing and maltreatment of Black Americans? Many events have shown that the Black Lives Matter has not achieved anything. Years ago I read on social media where someone said that the Black Lives Matter is a scam and that the officials in the helm of affairs of Black Lives Matter channel their funds into their pocket for their personal gains.

What Cynthia Morgan Said About the Black Lives Matter

Cynthia Morgan: Google Images

It all goes back to when it all started. White people bought slaves from who? BLACK people, and who are these slaves? Black people. We sold ourselves out and lost our respect the day this trade took place.

A White man cannot have respect for a race that sold their own race to other race not for marriage or better life but for slavery. White people being smart enough then they thought superior and gained it. Have you ever thought it could have been the other way round? Like the Whites could have been in this position right now? But one race was just smarter at that point in time. Now our forefathers already made that mistake. Can we correct it? Yes. How? By gaining our respect and equality and its not by fighting these White people, its about knowing ourselves and finding our respect and in doing so, regrets and blames won’t help us. Now we have to stand up and earn our respects back, and it’s not by crying on social media and begging for equality like spoilt babies.

  1. Y’all need a Black Nation.
  2. Invest more on Black people and Black ideas.
  3. Let every Black life count to you as a Black person first before you preach it to other people.

White people have every right to be proud and do whatever pleases them. Its only natural, that’s how people act when they see all your comfort and life depends on them. What we are fighting is more than just color thing. It’s more of mentality problems and it’s a way of the devil putting separation and chaos in the world so we all won’t come together and be in peace.

Now, one would correctly describe Cynthia Morgan as a Prophetess….she also said something to say about the current Nigerian President; a statement that is SO profound and thought-provoking!

Black Americans are still seen as SLAVES till today. In Florida for example, Governor Ron DeSantis has mandated that “New Florida standards teach students that Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills.”

Governor Ron DeSantis (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

‘Slave for Sale’

In Illinois, a White high school student labeled his Black friend as a slave. He snapped his Black friend and posted him on Craiglist as ‘Slave for Sale.’ The ad showed the Black student in what appeared to be a cafeteria under the words “Slave for sale (Naperville)” with the caption “Hardworking thick n—er slave. For da low.” It later went viral. Classmates approached the Black student offering a dollar to buy him. “I’ll buy you for a dollar,” said one student.

Teacher Resigns After Telling Black Students They Would Have Been Her ‘Field Slaves‘ if it wasn’t for the Constitution, they would be her slaves.

You will agree with me that in that classroom, there were other students from other races. Also, that White teenage boy has other friends from other races. The question now is: why did the teacher not make this statement to the Arabic-Americans, Indian-Americans, Filipino-Americans, Chinese-American, Korean-American, Jewish-American, Japanese-American? And why did that White teenage boy not label his friends who are Arabic-Americans, Indian-Americans, Filipino-Americans, Chinese-American, Korean-American, Jewish-American, Japanese-American as slaves? Because the Asians KNOW their roots; the Asians did not come as Slaves to America they came as immigrants for a better life just the way the Whites came from Europe.

Now, one thing I LOVE about the Asians is how they are united among themselves, love themselves, their culture and maintain their cultural heritage. Something that is VERY hard to find among Black Americans/Africans. The average Asian-American is well connected to Asia. For example when you hear the name “Robert Kiyosaki,” “Dennis Liu” “Vera Wang,” “Priscilla Chan” etc it gives you a clue that these are Asians and also shows that they know where they are coming from. Unlike the Black Americans who answers two (Slave English Names), does not know their root and are very disconnected from their roots (sad and shameful).

The bitter truth is that Black Americans cannot win against White Supremacy because for every administration that comes in; they join ALL forces to make sure to keep you Black Americans on their knees because you are slave descendants so you are still a slave in their eyes. For example, when George Floyd was killed Donald Trump did not come out to address the Black people; it was Barak Obama that came out to address the Black Americans. That act alone speaks volumes: it means you are not American enough. For example, when a Black American traveled to Spain she was asked what part of Africa she was from and then she said that she is American. The Spanish person told her right back that she was not American enough.

Or is it the White student who always taunts his Black teacher by keeping a banana peel on the doorway of his teacher? You know the animal whose favorite fruit is banana.

Is there a Way Out for Black Americans?

With all these atrocities and injustices going on against Black Americans; is there any solution? Yes there is. The only way the Black Americans can regain their freedom, destiny and future is to come back to Africa. Until the Black Americans come back to Africa there is no hope for them because your lives do not matter in America. If you go to Melaninepeople HQ on Instagram; you will see on their page the video of a Black American people who were manhandle, handcuffed and harassed by the White Policemen. Something very terrible! An act of slavery, disgrace and humiliation. In the video, the Black American woman was recording her husband been handcuffed by the White policemen. The White policeman came to her and pushed her down forcefully and handcuffed her too.

In Kansas City, a Black American man Jon “Mike” Rone Jr. was stabbed to death by a White man whom he was engaged in an altercation. The police arrested the White man who killed the Black man on the reason that he (the White man) was disturbing the peace of the environment. Not that he killed a person. That clearly shows that as a Black American you DO NOT MATTER. It does not matter how you chant the Black Lives Matter. What has it mattered?

The last time I checked the Black Americans people have Black people in government. But have these Black Americans been able to protect the rights and lives of Black Americans? NO. This Africa you are shying away from and pretending to be “superior” to because you are answering two (English Slave Names) and speaking in the accent White—that is WHERE your healing and freedom lies. Your Mother (Ghana) has opened her arms to welcome you back to Africa. It is left for you to return or not. You will find succor and refuge in African countries if you choose to return home (e.g. Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana etc).

Ghana to Black Americans: Come home. We’ll help you build a Life here

Although some Black Americans are willing to heed this call from their Mother (Ghana) to come back Home; for example Kimberly Reese has never visited Ghana, but she is already designing her dream home there. The Ohio mother of five says she doesn’t feel safe in the United States. “Some of us are tired.” “Some of us just want to be in an environment where we don’t have to look over our shoulders. Where we don’t have to worry about our sons getting pulled over.” Reese said.

Only few Black Americans are heeding the call of their Mother (Ghana) to come back Home. For example, one Black American has returned home. Hear her words: “I had this strong urge to come to Africa. I wanted to experience it. Something has been tugging at my heart to come and visit the Motherland,” she told DW. Saafir-Ankomah said she was inspired by a couple from Tennessee who had visited Ghana several times. “They [the couple] would talk about it all the time; show me pictures, videos and things like that, which stirred up a desire in me even more to come.”

Saafir-Ankomah finally made it to Africa for the first time in 2010, and Ghana in West Africa was her destination. She quickly fell in love with the continent. The trained lawyer now lives in the capital, Accra, and married a Ghanaian. “I love it here, I would much rather be here (Ghana) than in the [United] States for sure,” she said. Saafir-Ankomah has since become an ambassador urging many Africans in the Diaspora to visit Africa to experience the rich heritage. Jam Aiwuyor in her article maintained that Black Americans NEED Pan-Africanism.

THIS Pan-Africanism (to Black Americans); MEANS returning back to their Home (Africa) from whence they came.

Published by Kingsley Osajie

My name is Kingsley Osajie, I am the Author of the children's book Cindy and Her Beautiful Bird. I am a talented, prolific, astounding, heart-based and influential writer. I write in all genres. I am determined to use my Blog to share my opinions, knowledge and inspire the World; also raising the Consciousness of Humanity to a Higher Dimension. I am from Delta State, Nigeria. I love Writing, meeting like-minded people, spending time in Nature and anything which promotes Positive Vibes and Positive Energies. Anything that sets the tone for a Positive Life Momentum is my Hobby. I also believe in Compassion. I am of the thought that we create our own reality and we can change the narrative of our Reality and Lives. So feel free to surf my blog and yes, let's labrish! XoXo and Namaste!

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