Mental Health Discussion: An Interview with Dorian S. Withrow Jr.

Today, I want to talk about Mental Health and I have with me an intelligent handsome young man who I am discussing this important issue with. Without further ado; let us begin the discussion

What is your name? And how old are you?

I am Dorian S. Withrow Jr. 23-year-old author

Dorian S. Withrow Jr.

What profession are you into?

Business and writing. I received my bachelor’s in science. I majored in (ABEC) Animal Behavior Ecology and Conservation with a minor Philosophy. Some of my favorite courses were to do with philosophy. Discussion is my favorite part of any class.

What is your thought on mental health?

Mental Health is often ignored and frowned upon by some people because of its association with having “problems”. We like to know we have some bumps and scars, but mental care is unnecessary. I find this to be untrue. Some people may not have the most positive and productive outlook on life and other people. Those are the bruises, scratches, and long-lasting wounds; They are harder to heal. Through internal troubles, the consequences of their approach to life, actions, and habits speak for themselves. We should treat our mental health like the things we hold most dear.

What are the ways you think depression, anxiety, sadness and grief can be overcome?

Three pieces of advice that can combat some of these issues are from my experience dealing with them. Number one, I like to engage in recreational activities. Activities I can get lost in, such as martial arts training, sports, and activities with family. The second tool I like to play is learning. I seek more information about the problems I’m experiencing. I believe the more I know, the better I can overcome those troubled states. Lastly, I apply coping mechanisms. I like writing poetry or stories, particularly about anything I have my mind on. There are more ways than just writing, like making art, music, dancing, exercise, and positive games. Here’s a bonus! I like to remind myself of my list of what it takes to make goals and vision boards. The list and vision board help me shift my focus away from what’s causing internal turmoil.

What do you see as the cause of depression, anxiety, sadness and Grief?

I think some causes (there are a ton) for those poor emotional states of being is death, financial health, and comparison. We live in a world where all of those things are inevitable. So it is relevant that we take steps to deal with the troubles internally and externally.

As a Black American, have you ever been faced with the issues racism? And how did you deal with it?

I have dealt with racism in some areas of schooling, traffic stops, and gatekeeping opportunities. Whether the work troubles, school issues, or community concerns, advocacy is needed. We can accomplish advocacy through small things like social media posts, word of mouth, community gatherings for discussions, and leading or joining advocacy groups. There is slightly more grand involvement regarding advocacy through campaigns, marches, boycotting, council meetings, and changing political policy. I think the first and most important learning.

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include action and comedy movies. I love family time. It’s hard for me to say no to some recreational activities. I’ve taken a liking for reading unique literature in the philosophy arena. Martial arts is always one of my favorite pastimes

Dorian and his family

How do you describe your life orientation?

My life orientation is directed towards self-improvement and helping others by providing what I have gained.

Do you have influences or mentors?

I’ve learned to use the world as your mentor and guiding force. Let it be your educator

If you are given opportunity to explore the world, what countries would you love to travel to?

I take an interest in traveling to the African West Coast, Madagascar and some Pacific Islands.

Assuming you are put in a position of leadership, what are the world problems you will want to proffer solutions to?

I desire to help change the socioeconomic status of our people when I place myself in a leadership position.

Published by Kingsley Osajie

My name is Kingsley Osajie, I am the Author of the children's book Cindy and Her Beautiful Bird. I am a talented, prolific, astounding, heart-based and influential writer. I write in all genres. I am determined to use my Blog to share my opinions, knowledge and inspire the World; also raising the Consciousness of Humanity to a Higher Dimension. I am from Delta State, Nigeria. I love Writing, meeting like-minded people, spending time in Nature and anything which promotes Positive Vibes and Positive Energies. Anything that sets the tone for a Positive Life Momentum is my Hobby. I also believe in Compassion. I am of the thought that we create our own reality and we can change the narrative of our Reality and Lives. So feel free to surf my blog and yes, let's labrish! XoXo and Namaste!

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