Embrace the Energy of Abundance

Abundance is a VERY GOOD reality to live in. But for some reasons people have abundance blocks…our natural state is abundance; but due to some reasons we have barriers to abundance. Although there are people who have mastered the art of creating abundance and it is a skill worth having. From my own personal experience I have grown to learn that abundance is about Consciousness.

That is why I decided to share with you a topic about abundance gotten from Sarah Prout website. I am sure you will learn something from it.

The concept of “abundance” extends beyond material wealth to a holistic state of well-being. Embracing an abundance mindset can alter your life experience, shaping not just your circumstances, but also who you become.

Cornucopia: (Pixabay)

Caught in the scarcity trap, we tend to believe there’s not enough—be it money, opportunities, or love. This mindset generates stress and often results in fear-based decisions. An abundance mindset, however, transforms your perspective to see possibilities rather than limitations. Challenges become avenues for growth, rather than roadblocks.

Begin by practicing gratitude for what you already possess, no matter how insignificant it may appear. Gratitude paves the way for more to flow into your life. Shift from a competitive to a collaborative outlook. Life isn’t a zero-sum game; we can all win in the grand scheme.

To solidify this change, consider adding the affirmation “I AM THE ENERGY OF ABUNDANCE” in your Dear Universe journal.

Affirmations like this can serve as daily reminders that help align your mindset with a reality of abundance.

A Fall arrangement in a cornucopia on a white background (Pixabay)

Lastly, adopt a growth mindset. Believe that skills, intelligence, and circumstances can evolve over time with focused effort. The belief in abundance is self-perpetuating; the more you affirm it, the more you attract. Your mindset isn’t merely a viewpoint; it’s a catalyst that shapes your world. 

Choose Abundance.

With Love & Gratitude,

Sarah Prout xo

Published by Kingsley Osajie

My name is Kingsley Osajie, I am the Author of the children's book Cindy and Her Beautiful Bird. I am a talented, prolific, astounding, heart-based and influential writer. I write in all genres. I am determined to use my Blog to share my opinions, knowledge and inspire the World; also raising the Consciousness of Humanity to a Higher Dimension. I am from Delta State, Nigeria. I love Writing, meeting like-minded people, spending time in Nature and anything which promotes Positive Vibes and Positive Energies. Anything that sets the tone for a Positive Life Momentum is my Hobby. I also believe in Compassion. I am of the thought that we create our own reality and we can change the narrative of our Reality and Lives. So feel free to surf my blog and yes, let's labrish! XoXo and Namaste!

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