See What Happened to Me in 2023

This year 2023 has been nothing short of adventures for me. With so MANY lessons and BLESSINGS; as we are now in the last month of the year, I am full of reflections of the past eleven months. I am looking forward with a great curiosity what the following year is bringing for me.

Reflections and Meditations
Photo Credit:

I used to do New Year Resolutions but I have chosen a different approach. Actually, I am not condemning doing New Year Resolutions. It helps to give clarity and directions. Suffice to say that it also helps to set the tone for a positive life momentum. Yes, I have the things I love to manifest in the New Year.

Dear Universe, Kwan Yin, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Holy Mother Mary, Spirit Guides and Angels dwelling in the Realms of Light and Love:

I thank you for all the provision, protection and progress I have made this year so far. I am looking forward to the following year (2024) in confidence, gratitude and sure expectations of the many miracles, endorsements, appointments, progress and unlimited possibilities that is already cooking for me in the Greater (Invisible) Realms of Light and Love—all of which are manifesting for my highest good and wellbeing.

Receiving. When the Universe finally delivers my requests (LOL)
Shot of a courier making a delivery to a customer at her home:

Thank you for the Extravagant Grace and Wisdom to live in harmony with my dreams and Divine Rights and to be a Pillar of Light. I am also thankful because my family and I are safe, sound, strong and well taken care of.

Yes, let all the Goodies of 2024 pour forth to me—kith and kin. My hands are wide open to receive them. For this I am thankful.

Christmas is just one week away from today; it is a season of busyness and “Love” as they say. But I still believe that Love is a fruit in all seasons and it is within the reach of every hand. As said by the beloved Mother Theresa. I have grown past the consciousness of seasonal love and giving. I strongly believe that every day is Christmas. Giving and Love are things to be done every day. I also strongly believe that remembering the birth of Christ should not only for festivities—it should also be reflected in our lives and daily living. Now, in saying in this I am certainly not condemning celebrating Christmas or condemning people celebrating. It is good to celebrate Christmas.

Expectations and Looking forward to a better tomorrow
Photo Credit: Pexel

One thing I have grown to learn is gratitude. A grateful mind is a magnet for miracles. I look back this year with so much gratitude. But, if I am going to be honest I would be extremely correct to say that I am BLESSED and FORTUNATE A dear friend of mine told me few weeks ago—“you really have God’s backing.” I totally agree with that because I am so sure that the Universe, Kwan Yin and my Angels have my back (that includes God too).

Happy Christmas to my dear readers and subscribers with a Super Prosperous New Year; I will see you all in 2024 luminously and in wellness.

Published by Kingsley Osajie

My name is Kingsley Osajie, I am the Author of the children's book Cindy and Her Beautiful Bird. I am a talented, prolific, astounding, heart-based and influential writer. I write in all genres. I am determined to use my Blog to share my opinions, knowledge and inspire the World; also raising the Consciousness of Humanity to a Higher Dimension. I am from Delta State, Nigeria. I love Writing, meeting like-minded people, spending time in Nature and anything which promotes Positive Vibes and Positive Energies. Anything that sets the tone for a Positive Life Momentum is my Hobby. I also believe in Compassion. I am of the thought that we create our own reality and we can change the narrative of our Reality and Lives. So feel free to surf my blog and yes, let's labrish! XoXo and Namaste!

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